How many Total List of countries in Australia / Oceania

Total Countries in Oceania: 14

There are 14 countries in Oceania today, according to United Nations official statistics. The full list is shown in the table below, with current population totals.

  • The Cook Islands and Niue, both states in free association with New Zealand which are members of several UN specialized agencies and have been recognized “full treaty-making capacity”, but are neither member states nor non-member observer states.
  • Dependencies (or dependent territories, dependent areas) or Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories)

The smallest continent in the world, called Australia and Oceania, is surrounded by the Indian, Southern and Pacific Oceans. It includes the entire Australian mainland, such big islands as New Zealand, Tasmania, New Guinea (only its eastern half), and many thousands of tiny, tropical islands of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia regions, scattered throughout the South Pacific.

There are 14 independent countries and 12 dependent overseas territories. The largest sovereign state is Australia, occupying about 86% of the region’s total area. The smallest independent country is Nauru, which is so tiny that you need less than an hour to drive around it.

The most visited tourist destinations in this part of the world are the Australian cities of Sydney and Melbourne, the famous beach resorts of the Gold Coast. The best natural attraction is the Great Barrier Reef, and popular island holiday destinations are Fiji and Bora Bora.

1Australia25,499,884Australia and New Zealand
2Papua New Guinea8,947,024Melanesia
3New Zealand4,822,233Australia and New Zealand
5Solomon Islands686,884Melanesia
11Marshall Islands59,190Micronesia

Dependencies or other territories

Dependency of
1New Caledonia285,498France
2French Polynesia280,908France
4Northern Mariana Islands57,559U.S.A.
5American Samoa55,191U.S.A.
6Cook Islands17,564(partly New Zealand)
7Wallis & Futuna11,239France
8Niue1,626(partly New Zealand)
9Tokelau1,357New Zealand
